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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 3.7.1

Resolved in: 3.8.0

Overview of the issue

If you downgrade from WPML 3.8.x to WPML 3.7.1 or lower, you may get the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPML_Notice::must_reset_dismiss() in /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/notices/class-wpml-notices.php on line 111


The problem is in the old versions of WPML and you can fix it by going to the options table and deleting the wpml_notices key.

You can use a command similar to the following one:

DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'wpml_notices';

2 Responses to “Downgrading from WPML 3.8 to WPML 3.7.1 results in a fatal error”

  1. I have problem with 3.8.1

    /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/commons/src/notices/class-wpml-notice-render.php on line 101

    /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/commons/src/notices/class-wpml-notice-render.php on line 101

    Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to WPML_Notice_Render::must_display_notice() must be an instance of WPML_Notice, instance of __PHP_Incomplete_Class given, called in /home2/holylap7/public_html/map/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/commons/src/notices/class-wpml-notices.php on line 170 and defined in /home2/holylap7/public_html/map/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/commons/src/notices/class-wpml-notice-render.php on line 87

    • Hello,
      Perhaps the problem that you are encountering could be resolved as well by deleting the wpml_notices key.
      If in case it does not help – I suggest that you open a new ticket in our support forum so that our support engineers could debug this in depth and help you fix the issue.