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Reported for: WPML Media Translation 2.5.2

Resolved in: WPML 4.3.12

Overview of the issue

When you want to delete a media file you only need to go to your Dashboard > Media > Library and delete it.

However, if you have selected WPML’s option When deleting a post, delete translations as well, you will notice that the image does not appear in the WordPress Library anymore but the file is still available at the /uploads/ folder.



While our developers launch a new version which fixes this issue, go to WPML > Settings page,  scroll to Posts and pages synchronization section and uncheck the When deleting a post, delete translations as well option.

12 Responses to “Media files are not deleted when the option "When deleting a post, delete translations as well" is active”

  1. We have the same problem with deleting media files. Unchecking the “When deleting a post, delete translations as well” option doesn’t make a difference and the number of languages used is just two.

          • I have just installed the latest update and was excited to read that this was fixed in the changelog, however the problem still exists and is certainly NOT FIXED

            Enabling or disabling the option does not make a different.
            The file is still only deleted from the server after I manually delete the file in all 3 languages.

          • P.S. I have not installed WPML Media Translation as I don’t need custom translations for my media files. But this should not prevent me from deleting media in all languages at once.