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Overview of the issue

When products are created using the WooCommerce Product Add-on plugin, the additional fields added with the WooCommerce Product Add-on plugin are not available for translation in the WCML translation editor.

WooCommerce Product Add-ons adds fields (checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.) to product descriptions. Those fields are kept as a serialized array in one custom field named _product_addons. The WCML translation editor does not support serialized data in custom fields.

The problem exists with WooCommerce Product Add-ons 2.7.8+.


To make products that have been created using the WooCommerce Product Add-on plugin available for translation, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to WPML->WCML and choose to use a native WordPress editor.
  2. Go to WPML->Translation Management and send the products that you want to translate for translation by a local translator.
  3. Go to the original product edit screen and click the “+” icon to add a translation.
  4. You should see the WPML translation editor, where you will be able to translate products and add-ons fields.