تخطي الملاحة


XStore is a theme that comes with $510 of premium plugins included, such as Subscriptions for WooCommerce, Infinite Scroll & AJAX Pagination for WooCommerce, and Dynamic Pricing & Discounts, to add functionality to your online store.

Woodmart helps you create fully customizable and responsive sites and includes features like AJAX search, pagination, and filtering, advanced variable products with swatches, off-canvas sidebars, and custom product page layouts and styling.

Flatsome specializes in e-commerce sites, offering features like product quick views, quick add-to-cart buttons, add to wishlist buttons, and an online catalog mode option.

TheGem is a versatile, high-performance theme for creative website building. It features customizable skins, 30+ unique elements, Elementor extensions, ready-to-use templates, WooCommerce builder, and premium sliders.

Pricing model
Theme priceFrom $59From $59From $59From $59
Date testedفبراير 20, 2024أبريل 15, 2024يونيو 9, 2022فبراير 26, 2024
Various layouts for listing products
Different category layouts
Native page builder
Live theme customizer
Built-in live search
Product page builder
Built-in wishlist
Swatches for variable products
Product filters
More about XStoreMore about WoodmartMore about FlatsomeMore about TheGem

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