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Today, we released WPML 4.4.7, which focuses on compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6 major version and includes support for PHP 8.

WordPress 5.6 is expected to be released tomorrow, December 8th and will include several updates including:

  • Support for PHP 8
  • Updates to latest jQuery scripts
  • New default theme, Twenty Twenty-One
  • Block Editor (Gutenberg) update to latest version with new features
  • Automatic updates for major WordPress core releases

And more.

PHP 8: new features, performance improvements and breaking changes

The most important WordPress 5.6 feature is support for PHP 8. PHP 8 is a major version containing new features and performance improvements. 

Some important new features include:

  • JIT compiler – While it’s reported to make drastic performance improvements, it remains to be seen what the actual performance benefits will be for WordPress.
  • Union Types – allows specifying more than one type where either can be used. You can now use these types in function signatures rather than adding them in phpdoc annotations.
  • Attributes v2 – attributes, or annotations, that allow adding metadata to classes without needing to use docblocks. This makes it easier to read metadata and keep your code simple.

For a full list of features, please see the PHP 8.0 RFCs.

Breaking changes in PHP 8

PHP 8 also includes some inevitable breaking changes.

These breaking changes will affect every plugin and theme. It’s important to install all available updates and test these releases on a development site. It will help you avoid problems when you update to WordPress 5.6.

Updating to WPML 4.4.7

WordPress 5.6 is available now. We strongly recommend trying WPML 4.4.7 and WordPress 5.6 on a development site to work out any potential issues with other plugins or themes.

We have made the release available to clients immediately. If you don’t see the update available, go to the Plugins → Add New page, click the Commercial tab and then click the Check for updates button.

Manually installing WPML plugin updates

You can also download the plugins manually from your WPML account’s Downloads page.

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2 Responses to “WPML 4.4.7 – compatible with WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8”

  1. Hi, we have an error after this update on our site ( not for every posts but juste some posts )

    Error message is sometime : The application did not respond in time.
    And another error : Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.

    I looked at “network” il the “console” and this url is pending for 5minutes :

    This is too long, sometime after 5minutes its ok, and sometime after 5minutes we have an error

    When i deactivate all “wpml” plugins its ok

    • Hi! I have to ask the obvious thing first:
      – Did you update WordPress to the 5.6 version?
      – Did you update all WPML plugins to their latest versions?

      Even though deactivating WPML plugins makes this issue go away, it’s probably not WPML plugins that are causing this. Without knowing what other plugins and the theme is running on your site and whether or not they are all updated and compatible with WordPress 5.6, it’s impossible to know.

      Please, create a ticket in our Support Forum. Our supporters can (safely) log into your site, see what is going on, and help you. 🙂