Navigation überspringen


Reported for: WPML SEO 2.0.1

Overview of the issue

YOAST SEO Premium plugin creates a redirection when a post slug changes. However, this feature is conflicting with WPML and redirects to the homepage under two scenarios:

  1. If you trash a translated post then restore it.
  2. If you publish a post submitted for review by a non-admin user.


Please, make a full backup of your site before proceeding.

Then, add this code to you functions.php file:

This will turn off Yoast SEO’s feature for automatic redirect on slug change.


2 Antworten zu “YOAST SEO Premium - Automatic redirect added to homepage when a translated post is restored”

    • Hey Priscilla,
      Thank you very much for your feedback, you are totally right, WP was stripping the backslashes.
      It should be fine now.
      Thanks again.