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Zuletzt aktualisiert von claudiuM-3 Vor 1 Monat, 2 Wochen.

Assistiert von: Shekhar Bhandari.

Verfasser Beiträge
November 8, 2024 unter 8:31 am


Background of the issue:
I am trying to change the currency to CHF, add a product to the cart, and have the right currency shown in the mini cart (CHF). The issue can be seen on this page: versteckter Link

Changing to a different currency (CHF) makes the minicart show EUR instead of CHF. Refreshing the page solves this.

Why does the minicart show EUR instead of CHF when I change the currency?
How can I ensure the minicart displays the correct currency (CHF) without needing to refresh the page?

November 8, 2024 unter 9:47 am