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ElasticPress ist ein empfohlenes Plugin dank seinem Einsatz für fortwährende Kompatibilität und die Partnerschaft mit WPML ElasticPress ist vollständig kompatibel mit WPML.


– Entwickelt von 10up

Version 4.6.1 (Bekannte Probleme)

Zuletzt getestet am: Juli 14, 2023

ElasticPress is a fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress. Its WooCommerce integration allows for quick and efficient product searches. Protected Content indexing speeds up searches for private and unpublished content. Documents can be indexed and included in search results. Autosuggest suggests relevant content as users type. Facets allow for content filtering and users and comments can also be indexed for improved search relevancy and performance.

Please note: The ElasticPress ML glue plugin is required for for multilingual capabilities.

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