Reported for: WPML Media Translation 2.7.2
Overview of the issue
When you edit and crop a featured image in the default language, the cropped version does not appear in the translated pages. Instead, the translated pages display the original, uncropped version of the image.
Please, make a full backup of your site before proceeding.
- Install WPML Media Translation plugin
- Be sure your image has a title and it is translated via WPML Media
- Go to WPML > Settings > Media Translation
- Enable Translate media library texts with posts option
- Then, open …/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/classes/media-translation/MediaTranslationStatus.php file.
- Look for line 162.
- Change:
return $attachment_translation_id;
- For:
$this->copy_attached_file_info_from_original( $attachment_translation_id, $attachment_id ); return $attachment_translation_id;
- Make a small change to the post and its image title on default language
- Update the translation