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Resolved in: Woodmart 6.1.5

Overview of the issue

When updating to WPML 4.5, Woodmart theme users are experiencing the following fatal error:

Uncaught Error: Class ‘WPML_Elementor_Module_With_Items’ not found in …/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/wpml/class-wpml-elementor-wd-testimonials.php:11


We’ve identified the issue and are working with the Woodmart author to get this resolved ASAP.

In the meantime, please downgrade to an earlier version of WPML or follow the below instructions:

Please, be sure to make a full backup of your site before proceeding

  1. Edit the file wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/classes/Theme.php.
  2. Look for line 163 and move the following lines:
  3. To line 247, just below:

Next steps to resolve this issue

We are working with the Woodmart author to get this fixed ASAP.

8 Responses to “Woodmart - Updating to WPML 4.5 results in fatal error”

  1. tried to downgrade i got fatal error on last 3 versions
    4.5 doesn’t get the error but wpml doesn’t work

    want to know , editing theme file should make last version work ?

    i tried it but website collapsed with last version of wpml

    please help asap

    • Hi mahmoudH-9,
      I had the same problem today but everything works. I didn’t get any good help from the support, but I did it on my own. Do as I do:
      Use phpMyAdmin to deactivate all plugins. In the table wp_options, under the option_name column (field) find the active_plugins row
      Change the option_value field to: a:0:{}. At this point the page will stand up, but all plugins will be deactivated. Go to the woodmart or plugins tab and update woodmart first. Then turn on all the plugins you need and the website will start working. Good luck!

    • Hello @mahmoudH-9,

      Could you please check if you are using the lastest version of Woodmart? This issue is already fixed there.

      Yes, editing theme file should make last version work. If the issue persist, could you please take a screenshot of the error message then start a new chat or ticket in our support forum with these infos? Our team will take a look.