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All issues in which we had to help clients with Elementor Custom Widgets either because they wanted to create one, or (more likely) when related to themes that have Elementor Custom Widgets integrated. Add whether you helped, sent to docs or escalated.

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I want to translate an Elementor page

Iniciado por: nickd-22 en: Chat Support

1 2 hace 8 meses

The Shop page for Woocommerce is showing no products Dutch and French languages.

Iniciado por: pablo-canteroG en: Chat Support

1 2 hace 8 meses

Accordion in Elementor Pro does not translate

Iniciado por: yehudaS en: English Support

2 3 hace 8 meses, 1 semana

Long Nguyen

the pages are not displayed correctly in the translations

Iniciado por: silkeR en: Chat Support

1 2 hace 8 meses, 1 semana

Translated home page showing different layout

Iniciado por: רותם שמש en: English Support

2 3 hace 8 meses, 1 semana


WPML does not recognize built-in elements of a theme

Iniciado por: lij-6 en: English Support

2 2 hace 8 meses, 3 semanas

Prosenjit Barman

Traduction des widgets elementor

Iniciado por: ericB-99 en: Chat Support

1 2 hace 9 meses

Popup not showing up translated

Iniciado por: pietV-2 en: English Support
Solución rápida disponible

2 8 hace 9 meses

Mateus Getulio

Elementor blocks from QI elementor plugin

Iniciado por: thomasS-14 en: Chat Support

1 2 hace 9 meses

converts special characters (like "&") to its html entity.

Iniciado por: Alexander en: English Support

2 5 hace 9 meses

Christopher Amirian

I need your help to find out how to make translation appear on the page

Iniciado por: pavloR en: English Support

2 3 hace 9 meses

Long Nguyen

Split: Elementor Pop up issue on the homepage

Iniciado por: sipsik en: English Support
Solución rápida disponible

3 6 hace 9 meses

Long Nguyen

WPML doesn't see my content, strings

Iniciado por: sefai en: English Support
Solución rápida disponible

2 15 hace 9 meses, 1 semana

Waqas Bin Hasan

I cannot translate the calendar in EN

Iniciado por: quynh-nhuT en: English Support

2 4 hace 9 meses, 1 semana

Long Nguyen

Unable to translate, "Sort By" options

Iniciado por: ahmedT-15 en: English Support

2 7 hace 9 meses, 1 semana

Mohamed Sayed