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Query Paramater + Verzeichniss

Démarré par: thomasJ-28 en: Chat Support

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Translate CPT slug

Démarré par: Kresimir en: English Support

2 14 Il y a 3 semaines et 2 jours


Traduction de shorcode

Démarré par: aurelienP-3 en: Assistance en français
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Adding posts in a second language and making available in all languages

Démarré par: ericH-23 en: English Support
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String translation doesnt work

Démarré par: reufJ en: Chat Support

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Missing DE orders in the WC GET API

Démarré par: dennisv-7 en: English Support

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How to get Permalink for translated POST

Démarré par: hissamK-2 en: Chat Support

1 2 Il y a 3 semaines et 3 jours

Want to modify batch name

Démarré par: seemaD en: English Support
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Please help me send credits to the website.

Démarré par: mateuszB-3 en: Chat Support

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URLs like /?page_id=10 are not taking me to the right translated page

Démarré par: angeloL-10 en: Chat Support

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WPML – The WordPress Multilingual Plugin

Démarré par: andrewH-54 en: Chat Support

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I would like to translate a placeholder & a carousel section

Démarré par: stephanS-52 en: Chat Support

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Assistance request to enable editors and translators to manage translations in WPML

Démarré par: carmeloT en: Chat Support

1 2 Il y a 3 semaines et 4 jours

Translate the value of an advanced custom radio button field on woocommerce product page.

Démarré par: xenofonV-2 en: Chat Support

1 2 Il y a 3 semaines et 4 jours

Trying to manually skip auto translation of original language link on translated page

Démarré par: davidP-133 en: English Support
Une solution rapide est disponible

2 2 Il y a 3 semaines et 5 jours
