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WPML changes the order of product variants

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: English Support
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0 3 2 mese, 2 settimana fa


Woocommerce did not change the language – it is still in English.

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: Chat Support

1 2 3 mese, 2 settimana fa

Problem with deleting translations created with WPML and removing plugin data for a fresh start

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: English Support
Soluzione rapida disponibile

2 8 4 mese, 3 settimana fa


Elementor PRO page synchronization does not work properly 1 2 3

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: English Support

2 40 4 mese, 3 settimana fa

Shekhar Bhandari

Elementor PRO menu translation

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: English Support
Soluzione rapida disponibile

2 12 4 mese, 4 settimana fa


WPML (links) not working properly after the website migration from subdomain to new domain using All…

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: English Support
Soluzione rapida disponibile

2 12 6 mese, 2 settimana fa

Bruno Kos

One domain, two WordPress, of which one has WPML with two languages

Iniziato da: romanF-12 in: Chat Support

1 2 8 mese, 3 settimana fa

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