

All-in-One WP Migration は、WPMLとの互換性およびパートナーシップを継続する推奨プラグインです。 All-in-One WP Migration はWPMLとの完全互換性を示します。

All-in-One WP Migration

– 開発者 ServMask

バージョン 7.83

テスト最終日: 6月 20, 2024

All-in-One WP Migration is a free plugin that allows you to export your site’s content, media, plugins, and theme to a file in one-click. You can then upload it to a new site or use it as a backup by importing it via FTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more.

All-in-One WP Migration allows you to make changes to your database during the export process. It does this through a find-and-replace feature, plus advanced settings that allow you to exclude files, spam comments, post revisions, and more.


このプラグインとWPMLの間に未解決の互換性問題はありません。 すべての既知の問題を検索。