
RealHomes はWPMLと互換性があります。 このテーマは慎重にテストされた結果、多言語サイトの構築に問題なく使用できることが証明されています。


– 開発者 Inspiry Themes

バージョン 4.2.1 (既知の問題)

テスト最終日: 4月 15, 2024

RealHomes is a specialize real estate and property management WordPress theme. It offers CRM functionality, allowing you to record communication history and note relationships between customers, agents, and properties.

Display similar properties and allow clients to choose properties to do side-by-side comparisons, display property locations using OpenStreetMaps and Google Maps, and add a currency switcher and connection with an exchange rate service to display prices in a client’s native currency.
