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38,801 Responses to “Pre-sales Questions”

  1. Hi,

    We are planning to purchase the plugin from India for trial. The only option we are getting is a PayPal account. We are not getting any alternate payment processor. We want to pay using a credit card. Do we mandatorily need to create a PayPal account for that? Is there any alternate way to make the payment?

    Also, we wanted to check how will the refund work. Will we still be eligible for 100% refund within 30-days if WPML is not suitable for us?


    • Hello Kush,

      In the checkout page, you should see the option to select payment methods and a pop-up will follow that can allow you to change from Paypal to a card. I include a link to an image that illustrates this for you:

      If you apply within the 30-day limit, your purchase will be eligible for a 100% refund.

      I hope this answers your questions!

    • Hello again Kush,

      Indeed it seems that clients wishing to purchase from India market currently only have the option to use a Paypal account. Stripe option (ie. credit cards) was temporarily suspended due to a non-compliance issue with the RBI (Royal Bank of India). Since then, Stripe has come into compliance and we are now working to consider reactivating the payment method for our clients. But, for the moment, you will have to use a Paypal Account.

      Once you link a Paypal Account, I have been informed that you should be able to use a credit card linked to that account.

      I’m sorry it took a while to understand what was happening and I hope this now clarifies what options are available to you and why.

  2. Hello,

    Looking into translating my blog to begin with in Spanish. I’m new to multilingual websites and wondered what would be best for me on a tight budget to work towards accurate and affordable content. I have over 800,000 words which I’m thinking of starting on Spanish and doing my content in batches. Do you have any advise and does the tool allow for some pages to be multilingual while others just in English as I slowly go through?


  3. Good Morning,
    Do you have any Sales locations or office locations in the USA? I would like to use WPML for a couple of Government Websites and I need to get more specific billing information for our purchasing process.


    • Hello Ken,

      We do not have any physical sales offices/locations in the USA. Our invoices will have the following address:
      22/F 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

      I hope this answers your question.

    • Hello Ken,
      I don’t understand your question. Could you please provide me with more context and explain how your question relates to WPML and building multilingual sites? Thank you.

  4. Good morning,

    on April 18th I’ve purchased the plugin via credit card but unfortunately I’ve made a mistake in my E-Mail address (ending .con in the domain instead of correct .com) and I haven’t received the password so I can’t log-in and use the plugin nor open a support ticket. If you like I can provide the number of invoice as it was shown on the confirmation page when purchasing the plugin. Can you please provide me a way of contacting your teams to correct the e-Mail address linked to the account and gain access to the plugin?


  5. we are planning to get WPML for 3 sites, However, we would like to get free Trail for testing environment. we would be grateful if can have that for a localhost at least

    • Hello, thank you for your interest in WPML. We don’t offer free trials but you can buy WPML and request a refund within 30 days.

  6. Good morning,
    I would like to know what is meant by 90,000 translation credits.
    If I have a theme that creates recipes, does the plugin also translate the units inside even if I insert a shortcode on the page?
    Thank you

  7. Hi, we are a non-profit community service organisation dedicated to responsibly improving the economic, social, cultural and environmental outcomes for Business and Tourism in Inverloch and its surrounds, whilst sustainably providing advocacy, communication, collaboration, information and services for our members.

    We are very interested in incorporating the wonderfully robust and powerful WPML to ensure we are meeting the needs of a culturally diverse community. Do you offer nonprofit pricing?

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards,

    Mike Rennie
    Inverloch Tourism Association.

    • Hello Mike,
      Yes, we have a special discount for non-profits. Thanks for sending the details here.
      Let me contact you directly via email about this.

      Kind regards

  8. Hello, I am thinking of buying. Am I paying annually? Or do I have the right to use the package I bought for life? It says (Support and updates= One Year).
    (3 production-9 development) What does this mean?

    • Hello,
      yearly renewals are optional and your WPML plugin with work even if you don’t renew. Of course, we cannot anticipate what will happen if you update your WordPress in the future but don’t update WPML and that’s why we recommend keeping WPML updated.
      If you buy WPML with the CMS package you can use it on 3 production websites and in addition, on 9 testing/staging/development websites. When you register your site and generate your registration key WPML will ask you to choose if it’s production or development site. Development sites will have a small banner added to the footer saying it’s a development site.

  9. Dear team,
    I am working as a translator together with a webdesigner from Turkey for a company in the Netherlands, South Africa and Denmark.
    I would like to know if I can purchase the plugin (199 euro plan) then the webdesigner can install it where efter I can do and check the translations.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Kind regards,
    Ronald Goudriaan
    The World’s best Dutch Translator

    • Hello Ronald,
      thank you for your interest in WPML. Yes, you can proceed according to your plan. As soon as your WPML purchase is complete you will receive credentials to your WPML account. You can share them with your webdesigner so that they could download the OTGS installer plugin and install WPML plugins on your site. Access to your account is also needed to register WPML and assign translation credits to your site. As soon as WPML is installed and activated you will need to configure WPML. If you choose “Translate everything” you will be asked to choose one of these options:
      1) Let me review it before it gets published
      2) Publish right away but mark as not reviewed so I can take a look later
      3) Publish right away without reviewing
      You can check and edit the translations in each case. In case 1, your visitors won’t see the translations until you pubish each of the translated pages.
      I’m not sure why you are interested in the Agency account. This plan is good for people who want to use WPML on multiple websites. If you want to purchase additional translation credits this page describes two ways of doing so:

  10. How do I open an account? I am interested in chatting with support for advice about which account best suits me. In order to reach support I need an account. Thank you for your time
    Gary Hiller

  11. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am working on a client’s website that was built by another company some time ago.
    We are facing an issue that on it’s ranking with the page in English however the default language is Dutch.
    After some research, I found this article which seems that can help. However, my client doesn’t have the credentials and the company that built the website are not replying.
    Is it possible that we recover the account so we can install the WPML SEO addon?
    Also, can this potentially solve our issue?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello Stefan,
      please share the link to your websites. I will check its status in our system to tell you more about your options in terms of recovering the account. I’m not ure if installing the WPML SEO addon will solve your Google issue. There might be many reasons why your website is not indexed proprely. Please kindly share your website first and I can tell you more. Thank you.

    • Hello,
      thank you for your interest in WPML. Renewals are optional and you can use WPML without renewing your WPML subscription but in this case, you won’t receive updates. After buying WPML you can switch to manual renewals (in this case WPML will not be renewed automatically – you will need to remember to renew it in a year and if you don’t renew t, it will expire automatically after the first year). You can also cancel your subscription entirely at any time after the purchase. In this case, you will be able to use WPML with updates and access to our support assistance till the end of the first year. You will find both options on your WPML account. I hope this helps.

  12. Hello,

    I’m currently developing an Auction website. I would like to know whether it’s 100% possible to have emails translated as per my requirements, specifically:
    1) Once a user bids, wins auction etc., admin receives all the emails in a preferred language (Polish in my case)
    2) Once User X (who browses in, for example, Spanish) outbids user Y (who browses in German), both get email notifications in their respective languages (User X – Spanish, User Y – German).

    Emails come from an Auction plugin, not from Woocommerce. Also would like to know whether I can receive support in case something needs to be configured per plugin.

    Thanks for the information

  13. Hi,
    I am interested in buying your product. There is one remaining question about how it works.
    What happens (after my site is translated) when I change or add text on the original site.
    Do I have to pay for a complete re-translation or does the system do it incrementally?
    Thanks for your help.

    • Hello Jonathan,
      thank you for your interest in WPML. If you have your WPML set up in the so-called “Translate Everything” mode, WPML will detect any updates on your site (such as new pages have been added or something within an existing page(s) has changed) and these pages will be retranslated – only the pieces that you have changed (there is also an option to retranslate everything from scratch for those you need it). Translations credits will be used only for the sentences that have changed. You don’t need to pay again for the entire page/site.

    • Hola Edison:
      Veo que había un error de tipeo en el mail registrado pero ya fue solucionado.
      Si todavía necesitas ayuda, me puedes escribir directamente a


  14. Is it possible for the tool to translate texts inside images, for example, as you do google translate, and if yes, how is the translation method?
    like JPG images

  15. I am helping build my client’s website. She is Chinese and that will be the primary language of the site. She also wants English for english speaking visitors. With WPML, Is it possible to have the dashboard in English? I don’t speak or read Chinese and right now that is the language everything is in since it will be her primary language. Once the site is up she would want the dashboard in Chinese. Is this doable?

    Thank you!

    • Hello Mary,
      yes, you can set up the admin language for each user according to their needs. It can be different than the front-end language, no problem. You set it up in the user profile (WordPress profile).

  16. Hi,

    To clarify, do we only get ‘1 year of updates’ under the CMS and Agency package… i.e. not lifetime…?

    Regardless of the fact it ‘might’ still work should you choose not to pay for said renewal, knowing full well it will likely not be compatible in the future.

    • Hello,
      we no longer have the “lifetime” packages. If you buy WPML and you cancel your WPML subscription before the end of the first year, you will still receive updates and support assistance till the end of the period you paid for. But we cannot anticipate what will happen in the future if you don’t update WPML. WPML should work on your site without problems even without an active subscription but sometimes WordPress introduces some changes that require us to update WPML (for example this was the case in November 2022 when WordPress 6.1 was released) so it’s recommended to always use the latest version of WPML.

  17. Good morning,
    If I have a theme that creates recipes, does the plugin also translate the units within it if I insert a shortcode in the page, or do I have to edit it manually?

    • Hello Giulia,
      your site uses the Soledad theme, is this correct? The theme page says it’s compatble with WPML but I’m not so sure. This theme hasn’t been tested by our Compatibility Team and also, I cannot see any otehr WPML mentions on the theme page (normally, if they make a theme WPML compatible there are some other WPML mentions in the chnage logs). So from our point if view this theme is not compatile and you might not be able to translate everything you need. The only way to find out would be to buy WPML keeping our refund policy in mind in case of issues.

  18. Hello!

    Can you please tell me if I purchase the “Multilingual CMS” package, then do I get all the necessary add-ons like Elementor support, E-Commerce support, etc, as separate addon plugins, or as a single WPML plugin with all the features?

    • Hello, that’s correct. The CMS package includes the main WPML plugin and the addons to translate WooCommerce and a few other things.

  19. Hello,

    What’s the price of your auto-translate? I have a WordPress website, I need a tool that can translate the whole website, including product description pages and the reviews

    Can you send me a demo and quotation pls ?


  20. Hi, we have a multisite installation. At the moment each site is *mostly* a clone of the other sites on the network. The main difference is each domain is built for a specific country. (US) (AUS) (CA)

    We’d want to have en-us as the language on the US site, but then en-au used for Australia, and en-ca used for Canada. On top of that, we’d need to have the option to translate to French at the very least on the Canada site based on user preferences. Is all of this configurable?

    • Hello Daniel,
      The first part of your request could be possible following this tutorial and setting a language per domain for the english sites. However, it won’t be possible to create a French translation just for the Canadian website. Instead, you could create a fourth french domain.

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