تخطي الملاحة


Overview of the issue

When you use Divi’s Shop module on a page or a theme builder layout, the Included Categories options don’t remain selected when WPML is active.

Divi's Included Categories Section
Divi Shop’s Included Categories Section


We’re contacting Divi theme developers to apply a permanent fix for this issue. In the meantime, you can use this workaround:

Please backup your WordPress files and database first.

  1. Go to wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/plugin-compat/sitepress-multilingual-cms.php
  2. Find
    $new_ids[] = apply_filters( 'wpml_object_id', $cat_id, 'product_cat' );
  3. Replace it with
    $cat_id_translated = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $cat_id, 'product_cat');
    				if ($cat_id_translated) {
    					$new_ids[] = $cat_id_translated;
    				} else {
    					$new_ids[] = $cat_id;