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For over 35 years, Mielizia is the brand of the beekeepers of Conapi who collect, from Piedmont to Sicily, the best Italian productions of honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis. To assert its own brand, completely detached from Alce Nero, Mielizia has requested our intervention, with a project studied ad hoc.

We have analyzed the real needs of this food and beverage brand, reaching a multi-step solution that, gently, has allowed us to outline a quality output, consistent with the professional profile of our client.

At first, we overshadowed the site previously in use and we created a temporary website for Mielizia with few sections, where visitors were immediately made available the most important information to fully meet their needs. At the same time, we have migrated the database to a WordPress platform. Lastly, we created a new website for Mielizia to consistently convey the identity of a brand of excellence, its quality products and its company culture rich in experience and excellence.

Through the new website, the customer can interact in two different ways with physical products: by inserting the code on the label of any Mielizia product on the website, discover information on that product, such as the origin and the beekeepers who they produced; scanning the QR Code on the product label, the user can reach and visit the website page dedicated to information on that product and the recipes in which to use it. The website was translated into four languages: English, Italian, French and Japanese to reach more clients worldwide.





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