تخطي الملاحة
Contact developer Looking for a quick reply?
Type of work:

Update or fix an existing site, بناء موقع جديد, تقديم استشارات تفصيلية حول مشروع محتمل, ساعدني في تطوير شيء ما

Project size:
  • Personal
  • Small Business
  • Agency/Enterprise

I can maintain sites

Site categories:

E-commerce, المدونة, تعليم, دليل, عضوية, كراسة

Favorite WordPress themes:

Custom Theme, Eventerra, Osmosis, The7

Project budget:

Minimum budget is 250 USD

Report a problem

Moderne Meesters is a (web)design company from Alkmaar, The Netherlands.

We are sometimes told: “Why that name, you don’t make paintings?” We don’t indeed do that, but we do work with the same passion and creativity as the Old Dutch painters did. And: we also “paint”, but behind our desk.

We have worked on several WPML projects, including WPML customizations, consolidations of single language sites into one running WPML, making themes and plugins compatible, building custom language switchers, doing WPML Setup and Configuration and basically anything you can think of.

We speak a few languages and have our own text writer who is writing Dutch, English, Spanish, Russian and German. We are looking forward to helping you with any WPML or WordPress related issue(s)!


WPML user since: فبراير, 2018

Contractor since: سبتمبر, 2019
