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Wishlist for WooCommerce совместим с WPML. Этот плагин был тщательно протестирован. Его можно использовать для создания многоязычных сайтов без возникновения проблем.

Wishlist for WooCommerce

— Разработчик: acowebs

Версия 1.1.17

Последнее тестирование: 28 октября, 2024

The WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin allows customers to create and keep track of desired e-commerce products in a personal wishlist. This plugin can aid in converting website visitors into loyal customers. Many times, customers may not be able to purchase a product immediately or may want to consider it for future purchase. Having the ability to save products for later allows them to come back to the website when they are ready to make a purchase.

Please note: The pro version is also compatible with WPML.

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