
With the holidays behind us, we kicked off the new year with a major WPML release. Now, we present a 3.9.2 version which fixes important issues, adds a few new features, and improves overall stability.

Why it is important to update to this version

WPML 3.9.0 version introduced many important features and changed other ones. In the past few weeks we have been gathering all your feedback and bug reports, which brings us to this release.

By updating to the 3.9.2 version you will get all these fixes and improvements. This way, you avoid running into the same issues and spend your time creating unnecessary support tickets.

What’s new and fixed

Let’s go over the most important changes and fixes for this release. See the last section of this page for a complete changelog.

WPML Core 3.9.2

  • You can now unlock the translation mode for custom fields even if they are set by wpml-config.xml.
  • In Translation Editor, we fixed the button for copying content of custom fields.
  • We resolved errors produced when having an empty wpml-config.xml file.

WPML String Translation 2.7.2

  • We fixed an issue with missing page builder fields when creating a new translation of pre-existing posts.
  • We added the possibility to scan the must-use (MU) plugins for texts (strings).
  • For Elementor compatibility, we fixed an issue with saving the post body correctly and made Elementor form’s select fields translatable.

WPML Translation Management 2.5.1

  • We fixed an issue with missing page builder fields when creating a new translation of pre-existing posts.
  • We implemented a WPML_ENVIRONMENT constant which blocks the fetching of translations. This is a very helpful feature for your test and staging sites, because you want translation to be fetched on your live, production site.
  • We fixed various issues regarding emails sent to translators.
  • We fixed an issue with Gravity Forms and the links not being adjusted.

WPML Sticky Links 1.4.3

  • Resolved a fatal error related to an AbsoluteLinks class


Updating to WPML 3.9.2

As always, you will receive this update for WPML plugins automatically to all registered sites. You can download and install manually from your WPML account. Please be sure to update all of WPML’s components.

Finally, remember that it’s always a good idea to backup the database before updating anything in your sites.

Full changelog

WPML Core 3.9.2


  • Allow the translation mode for custom fields to be unlocked when they are set by wpml-config.xml
  • Fixed an issue where “Copy content from” button was not copying custom fields.
  • Added two actions that allow synchronizing of custom fields.


  • Implemented multiple security fixes.
  • Fixed a typo in the query parser causing infinite redirection with specific configurations.
  • Fixed an error where the menu has a language switcher with no items.
  • Resolved an exception with pagination resulting in compatibility issue with WP-PageNavi plugin.
  • Fixed a fatal error related to WPML_LS_Templates::are_template_paths_valid class.
  • Adjusted the color picker style in the language switcher’s admin page.
  • Improved the post selection when the slug is shared between multiple posts.
  • Resolved errors produced when having an empty wpml-config.xml file.
  • Fixed a “Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to WPML_End_User_Page_Identify::__construct()”
  • Improved the sanitize_title filter for some specific locales.
  • Fixed an issue with wrong redirection when a 404 page is accessed with an arbitrary argument.
  • Fixed an issue with pluggable functions when using different domain per language.
  • Resolved an exception with wrong redirection occurring on attachment pages when they have the same slug.
  • Fixed the URL in WP SEO snippet preview when using the “Different languages in directories” option.

WPML String Translation 2.7.2


  • Implemented the scanning of strings for Must-use (MU) plugins.


  • Implemented multiple security fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where page builder fields were missing when creating a new translation of pre-existing posts.
  • Fixed escaping of contexts when exporting .po files.
  • Fixed an issue when saving Elementor page translation, to save the post body correctly.
  • Made Elementor form select fields translatable.

WPML Translation Management 2.5.1


  • Implemented a new “WPML_ENVIRONMENT” constant for partially locking communication to Translation Proxy when it is set to “test”.
  • Included a list of registered shortcodes in the exported XLIFF file.


  • Implemented multiple security fixes.
  • Fixed an issue with the “Open in translation editor” button on the dialog of the post edit screen.
  • Fixed an issue with email strings being sent to translators in mixed languages.
  • Fixed wording in the notice that appears after the activation of ICanLocalize.
  • Fixed an issue with Gravity Forms where links were not adjusted.
  • Fixed the wrong encoding in emails sent to translators.

WPML Sticky Links 1.4.3


  • Resolved a fatal error related to the AbsoluteLinks class.
  • Implemented multiple security fixes.