Type of work:
Add new features, Integrate with an external system, SEO, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, Visual design, Дайте подробную консультацию о потенциальном проекте, Интегрируйся с внешней системой, Помоги мне разработать что-нибудь, Развивай функциональность сайта, Создай новый сайт
Project size:
- Personal
- Small Business
I can maintain sites
Site categories:
E-commerce, Блог, Брошюра, Каталог, Образование, Членство
Favorite WordPress themes:
Project budget:
Minimum budget is 330 USD
The intention at Terabyte Websites is to take all the technology clutter out of your plate and insulate you from the bit and bytes to when you want a new website for your Business or NGO.
You focus on what you deliver in your business, I will work with you to imagine, design and bring it to life on the website. I will design and build the website to your liking, make it SEO compliant, host it for you in state of the art servers, take care of your backups and security upgrades and help you maintain the website through the year.