Type of work:
Add new features, Help writing content, Integrate with an external system, SEO, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, Visual design, Дайте подробную консультацию о потенциальном проекте, Интегрируйся с внешней системой, Помоги мне разработать что-нибудь, Развивай функциональность сайта, Создай новый сайт
Project size:
- Personal
- Small Business
- Agency/Enterprise
I can maintain sites
Site categories:
E-commerce, Блог, Брошюра, Каталог, Образование, Членство
Favorite WordPress themes:
Custom Theme
Project budget:
Minimum budget is 100 USD
We are a creative digital agency focused on providing comprehensive internet marketing, web design, and graphic design services as well as content creation. We have been up-and-running on the market since 2009 based in Prague, Czech Republic. Since we started, we’ve been working with a diverse range of clients and have created hundreds of websites, providing a wealth of supplementary services. Our team is currently made up eight permanent members in collaboration with a series of time-proven freelancers.