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FacetWP является рекомендуемым плагином благодаря стремлению к постоянной совместимости и партнерству с WPML. FacetWP полностью совместим с WPML.


— Разработчик: facetwp

Последнее тестирование: 10 января, 2024

Facet WP allows you to add filters based on site’s existing post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. It uses AJAX to update results in real time as you apply filters and only shows filtering options that are applicable for the remaining results.

Facet WP includes a range of UI options such as checkboxes, sliders, radio buttons, dropdowns, and more. You can display filtering options on existing archive pages and add sorting and pagination to any page using shortcodes or PHP. Developers can add even more customization using hooks.»

This plugin requires FacetWP Multilingual add-on for full compatibility.

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