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Ultimate Member в настоящее время не совместим с WPML. Могут возникнуть проблемы при пользовании.

Ultimate Member

— Разработчик: Ultimate Member


Последнее тестирование:

Ultimate Member is a profile & membership plugin for WordPress that features front-end user profiles, registration, and login capabilities for seamless user interaction. It is highly extendible and even ideal for creating advanced online communities and membership sites.

Ultimate Member is not fully compatible with WPML. You may notice issues related to String Translation and some other modules. We’ve made attempts to work with the author but have not yet received the necessary cooperation to resolve the issues.

Известные проблемы

Между этим плагином и WPML нет нерешенных проблем совместимости. Поиск по всем известным проблемам.