
You might have noticed today, an unfortunate addition to WPML’s cost. Due to new regulations in the EU, we are required to collect VAT for WPML, when selling to individuals (without a VAT number) in the EU.

We realize that this increases the cost of WPML for some of you and we are not happy about this. The additional money isn’t going to us, but to the EU. We tried to avoid this, but the new regulations, which started a few days ago, are strict.

No matter if we are in the EU or not, we have to add VAT when selling to EU customers without a VAT number. Besides the added cost, you can imagine that this is also complicating us, adding more engineering and bureaucracy (to report and pay VAT to the EU).

The only thing left for us to do is to hope that EU countries will put this money to good use.

If you are a business, registered in the EU and have a VAT number, be sure to enter it to our checkout page, so that we don’t have to charge you VAT.

Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Leave your comments and we’ll reply.