
Currency Switcher Plugin For WooCommerce 与WPML兼容。 这款插件已经过彻底的测试,可用于构建多语网站,绝对不会出现问题。

Currency Switcher Plugin For WooCommerce

– 开发商: Wpexperts.io

版本 1.6.2

最后测试: 11 10 月, 2023

The Currency Switcher Plugin for WooCommerce enables multi-currency functionality within the WooCommerce platform, allowing customers to shop in their preferred currency.

It supports various features including currency switcher display options, automatic daily currency rate updates or manual rate adjustment, checkout customization, fixed coupon amounts for each currency, and statistics analysis.


这款插件和WPML之间没有未解决的兼容性问题。 搜索所有已知问题