
OMGF 与WPML兼容。 这款插件已经过彻底的测试,可用于构建多语网站,绝对不会出现问题。


– 开发商: Daan van den Bergh

版本 5.9.1

最后测试: 8 8 月, 2024

OMGF uses the Google Fonts API to automatically cache the fonts your theme and plugins use to minimize DNS requests and speed up your WordPress website, enhancing your website’s performance and compliance with GDPR. This reduces DNS requests, improves load times, and ensures that user data is not shared with third-party servers like Google. The plugin is user-friendly, with options to preload, unload unused fonts, and more, making it a great tool for optimizing web font usage.

Please note: If you are using subdomains per language, you’ll need to upgrade to the OMGF Pro version. According to the author’s documentation “Since Modify Source URL (Pro) is a Pro-feature, an upgrade to OMGF Pro is required.”


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