
Tabique Pluvial

Society is increasingly aware of the dangers of continuing with overexploitation of our natural resources and the continuous contamination of the environment.

Our high consumption of water, fossil fuels and other natural resources are causing an alarming rise in pollution rates. Together we have to end this post-industrial culture of high consumption giving way to a new proactive culture based on sustainability.

To generate a change, new construction systems are needed, our SAATE: “Advanced External Thermal Insulation Systems systems” are born in this context of cultural change, in order to reduce CO2 emissions, increase energy efficiency and achieve economic savings.

Our solutions for rainwater partitions, ventilated facades, the SATE system and roofs are included within the SAATE concept and comply with the most stringent international standards for sustainable construction and thermal insulation.

The purpose of this website is precisely to invite you to discover the most appropriate technical solutions to achieve maximum energy efficiency of your home.

JOINSO builds this site from an old existing one build over other old technology, readapting contents, medias, translating missing ones, etc.

Multilingual content helps to target and reach different language speaking people in the country.





WPML Contractor

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