تخطي الملاحة

We just released WPML 4.6.13 and WooCommerce Multilingual 5.3.7, which address low-level security issues, improve compatibility, and fix bugs.

WPML 4.6.13 Updates

Security Update

After various media outlets published a story about this security issue, we wrote a separate announcement. It clarifies the timeline, how it affects WPML users, and how we worked with Wordfence to fix it.

This WPML release fixes a security vulnerability that could allow users with certain permissions to perform unauthorized actions. This issue is unlikely to occur in real-world scenarios. It requires users to have editing permissions in WordPress, and the site must use a very specific setup.

However, as with all security fixes, we advise you to update to this latest version to ensure the highest level of security for your sites.

Compatibility Fixes

This WPML release also provides two compatibility enhancements:

  • Fixed various deprecation notices with PHP 8.2
  • Fixed a PHP notice that appeared when using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin

WooCommerce Multilingual 5.3.7

Security Update

This WooCommerce Multilingual update fixes a low-level security issue where certain nonce validations were missing on AJAX requests.

Support for the Global Unique ID Field

We added translation support for the Global Unique ID, a new field that WooCommerce 9.2 will introduce with its release on August 20th.

This field has a behavior similar to SKU, allowing you to use any type of text while keeping the value unique across all products. The field is available both for main products and variations.

This field is copied and locked for translations, similar to the SKU field. The WCML 5.3.7 update ensures it remains locked on all translated products.


WooCommerce Multilingual 5.3.7 includes several improvements and bug fixes for a smoother experience:

  • Fixed the display of a currency name in settings when it has HTML entities
  • Better default format for the Euro currency
  • Fixed the wrong currency displaying in the Standalone mode when updating the quantity in the cart

For a list of all the fixes, see the WooCommerce Multilingual 5.3.7 changelog.

Update Now

We strongly encourage you to update to WPML 4.6.13 and WooCommerce Multilingual 5.3.7 to benefit from these improvements. 

In your site’s admin, go to the Plugins page. This update should display as available so simply click to update WPML.

Questions or Comments?

If you have any questions or comments, let us know in the comments below.

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