تخطي الملاحة
Contact developer Looking for a quick reply?
Type of work:

Add new features, Help writing content, Integrate with an external system, SEO, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, التكامل مع نظام خارجي, بناء موقع جديد, تحسين محركات البحث, تطوير وظائف الموقع, تقديم استشارات تفصيلية حول مشروع محتمل, ساعدني في تطوير شيء ما

Project size:
  • Personal
  • Small Business
  • Agency/Enterprise

I can maintain sites

Site categories:

E-commerce, المدونة, دليل, عضوية

Favorite WordPress themes:

Ludos Paradise, Shopkeeper, Sydney

Project budget:

Minimum budget is 55 USD

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my name is Chris, I am from Germany and I often work with PHP, especially WordPress, Magento and Shopware.

I have set up many sites with multiple Translation-Setups, also written my own in the past.
But WPML handles the job the best at WordPress.

You can simply launch a shop with WooCommerce and a few products in a few days with multiple languages, thanks to WPML! <3

If you are interested in my work, feel free to write to me.

WPML user since: يوليو, 2015

Contractor since: سبتمبر, 2019

