تخطي الملاحة


Reported for: Gravity Forms Multilingual 1.8.2

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

The image choice field in Gravity Forms is not being translated correctly. Even after translating the form and its labels using the Translation Management, the translated text is not displayed on the frontend.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open the …/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms-multilingual/inc/gfml-tm-api.class.php file.
  • Look for line 301.
  • Replace:
    case 'select':
    case 'multiselect':
    case 'checkbox':
  • With:
    case 'select':
    case 'multiselect':
    case 'checkbox':
    case 'image_choice':	// WPML workaround for compsupp-7756
  • Then, look for line 523.
  • Replace:
    private function has_option_input_field_post_custom( GF_Field $field ) {
    	switch ( $field->inputType ) {
    		case 'checkbox':
  • With:
    private function has_option_input_field_post_custom( GF_Field $field ) {
    	switch ( $field->inputType ) {
    		case 'checkbox':
    		case 'image_choice':	// WPML workaround for compsupp-7756
  • Go to the Gravity Forms edit screen, make a minor modification to the image choice field (e.g., change a label slightly), and save the form.
  • Go to WPML > Translation Management page and send the form to translation
  • Translate the form.

2 ردود إلى “Gravity Forms - Image Choice Field Is Not Translated”

  1. Hi,

    The workaround you provided worked ok. But what happens when gravity forms multilingual plugin is updated? Won’t the changes be lost?

    is there a permanent solution for this?

    Thank you

    • Hello Mike,
      Our developers are already aware of this issue, and it may be fix in the next GFML release. However, if that’s not the case and the workaround is overwritten, you may need to apply the patch again until a definitive solution is published.
      We will keep this page updated.

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