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ThemeREX Addons غير متوافق حاليًا مع WPML. قد تواجه مشكلات أثناء استخدامه.

ThemeREX Addons

– المطور: ThemeREX

آخر اختبار في:

ThemeREX Addons allow you to extend the capabilities of your ThemeREX theme with creative widgets.

We’ve received a number of reports about translation issues with ThemeREX Addons. Since these addons come bundled with many ThemeREX themes, you may encounter issues when trying to translate some widgets. We’re making our best efforts to cooperate with the author, but if you’d like to see this pushed forward more swiftly, please contact them.

المشكلات المعروفة

المشكلات غير المحلولة حتى الآن

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