تخطي الملاحة

WPForms إضافة موصى بها بفضل التزامها بالتوافق المتواصل والشراكة WPML. WPForms متوافق تمامًا مع WPML.


– المطور: WPForms


آخر اختبار في: يناير 31, 2024

WPForms allows you to create contact, payment, survey, newsletter, registration, and other forms. Start with a pre-built template and customize it with CSS and drag-and-drop controls, or build a custom form completely from scratch.

You can add conditional logic, payment and email marketing integrations, and embed the forms anywhere on your site. WPForms also includes the ability to create surveys and polls, allow your users to add their signatures, and create conversational, interactive forms. Captcha and honeypot solutions automatically block spam.

Sign up for notifications to let you know when you receive a new form submission. You can also view all your form submissions on one page within the plugin.

This plugin requires the WPForms Multilingual glue plugin for full compatibility.

Please note: The pro version is also compatible with WPML.

المشكلات المعروفة

لا توجد مشكلات غير محلولة بين هذه الإضافة وWPML. البحث في جميع المشكلات المعروفة.