Type of work:
Add new features, Help writing content, Integrate with an external system, SEO, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, Visual design, Дайте подробную консультацию о потенциальном проекте, Интегрируйся с внешней системой, Помоги мне разработать что-нибудь, Развивай функциональность сайта, Создай новый сайт
Project size:
- Personal
- Small Business
- Agency/Enterprise
I can maintain sites
Site categories:
E-commerce, Блог, Брошюра, Каталог, Образование, Членство
Favorite WordPress themes:
Project budget:
Minimum budget is 300 USD
Led by Ryan, a web developer with 20 years of experience, 366 Technology teams up with the best designers, writers, and developers, to give you a client focused website that gets results.
366 Technology started off building user-friendly HTML based websites and evolved as time went by, creating dynamic, responsive, database-driven content management systems. We also build online solutions to help users and businesses automate tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming and tedious.
We know Drupal, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and we package it all up into responsive, multi-platform, multi-browser websites.
366 Technology is our way of talking about, showcasing, selling, and giving away web technology.