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Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce является рекомендуемым плагином благодаря стремлению к постоянной совместимости и партнерству с WPML. Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce полностью совместим с WPML.

Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce

— Разработчик: acowebs

Версия 4.5.3

Последнее тестирование: 29 апреля, 2024

Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce allows you to easily apply bulk discounts to your products using virtual coupons.

Create percentage or fixed price discounts, set multiple discounts within a single pricing rule, schedule discounts for upcoming dates, restrict discount rules for registered users, customize pricing tables, realtime price display for quantity rules, and more.

Please note: The Pro version of Dynamic Pricing With Discount Rules for WooCommerce is also compatible with WPML.


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