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GPI — Globalization Partners International

Learn how to translate WordPress sites with GPI and WPML. Discover which translation services GPI offers, and how to get started with WPML.

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What is GPI?

Globalization Partners International (GPI) was founded in Washington, DC in 2001 by a global team of language and technology professionals with a history of delivering comprehensive translation services to companies around the world. Our team’s core mission is to help companies communicate and conduct business in any language and in any locale. Our suite of key tools & technologies help our clients translate content in a more cost-effective, consistent and culturally correct manner. We currently work with professionals worldwide in over 200 languages and a multitude of translation disciplines utilizing technology to deliver great service on a global basis. We have over 10,500 translators, interpreters, copywriters, web design and development specialists, localization project managers and engineers networked via our Globalization Project Management Suite® (GPMS).

Переводите с помощью GPI — Globalization Partners International и WPML

Панель управления WPML Translation Management упрощает перевод Вашего сайта с помощью GPI — Globalization Partners International. Просто выберите, какой контент Вы хотите перевести, на какие языки, и отправьте в GPI — Globalization Partners International.

Начните работать с GPI — Globalization Partners International

Чтобы переводить с помощью GPI — Globalization Partners International и WPML, Вам нужен тарифный план WPML Multilingual CMS или Multilingual Agency, а также учётная запись GPI — Globalization Partners International.

После создания учётной записи Вам понадобится токен доступа для подключения WPML к GPI — Globalization Partners International.

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