
Today, we released version 1.3.0 for WPML’s glue plugin for Yoast SEO. This release includes fixes related to URL encoding, redirects, sitemaps, and more.

With this latest version of the multilingual glue plugin, you can now:

  • Translate the homepage’s title and meta description when it’s set to Display blog posts.
  • Exclude secondary language home pages in the sitemap.
  • Fix 404 pages when Remove category prefix is enabled.
  • Translate Open Graph titles (og:title) for social media.
  • Set redirects without issues

You can find a full list of included updates and fixes in the changelog.

These fixes solve the following known issues:

If you are experiencing any of these issues on your site, please update your multilingual glue plugin for Yoast.

Download and Update

You will receive this update automatically to all your registered sites. You can also download and install it manually from your WPML account.

Check our detailed guide that explains the process of optimizing your multilingual site using Yoast and WPML.

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes