Overview of the issue
When installing WPML 3.6.0, if one of the layouts you created with the Toolset Layout plugin uses the Language Switcher widget, this widget might not be rendered.
The next version of Layouts will provide improvements in Widget’s handling, which should solve this issue.
For the time being, in order for the language switcher to be rendered, you must use one of the following options:
1. Replace the widget with a text area and use one of the following shortcodes:
: it can be customized in WPML -> Languages -> Custom language switchers
: it can be customized in WPML -> Languages -> Footer language switcher
2. Add a sidebar in your theme, and place there the Language Switcher widget.
3. Use do_action(‘wpml_add_language_selector’);
to display a custom language switcher as explained in Displaying WPML’s language switchers in custom locations
Je n’arrive pas à incorporer WPML dans Osage ou Hot Topix, développé par MVP Themes. Est-ce compatible ?
Le dossier WPML téléchargé comporte de nombreux éléments: comment choisir lequel incorporer dans le Thème?
Bonjour @jacquesL-7,
Je vous propose d’ouvrir un ticket sur notre forum de support ( en annexant vos informations de déboggage. Il sera plus facile de saisir le problème que vous rencontrez.
Hi there,
I just upgraded to WPML 3.6.0 and the language switcher which was added to my main navigation menu no longer show.
Moreover, when trying to configure it in the Menu Language Switcher options, my main navigation menu is not proposed, so I could not add the switcher back.
Is there a turnaround to this bug? It’s a blocking feature for my site.
Hello @yvesP-3,
It looks like this issue has been already reported in and we are already working in it.
You can either follow the thread until we resolve it, or open another thread providing your debug information in WPML -> Support -> debug information.
OK, thanks. I actually did the search in the forum but missed this thread. I will follow up in it.
tengo problemas para cambiar la bandera del selector de idioma ya que no se carga la imagen en png
Hola @hispasurG,
Te sugiero abrir un nuevo ticket de soporte para que podamos analizar tu tema con mas profundidad y proporcionarte la mejor solución. Si quieres, puedes preguntar por mi para que pueda encargarme directamente de tu problema.
Same issue here. Language Switcher Widget is not showing anywhere on the site. Neither in the menu nor in page content. The one in the footer is working though.
We made it visible though using the shortcode provided here:
Still, is there anything new to this issue?
Is this happening only with Layouts plugin or generally? The problem was fixed already in a previous release and we left this errata open by mistake.