تخطي الملاحة


Reported for: Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual 2.0.4

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using Advanced Custom Fields with Repeater fields in a multilingual setup, reordering the repeater fields in the default language causes the translations to become unsynchronized.


Our developers are aware of this situation. In the meantime, you can make a small change to the default language post. This will invalidate the current translation job and will force WPML to re-create a new one with the right Repeater fields order.

6 ردود إلى “Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual - Reordering Repeater fields unsynchronizes the translations”

  1. Hello, I’m currently using Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual 2.1.3 and ACF repeater fields.
    When changing the main language (EN) repeater rows all the corresponding translations for that page gets their content repeater fields messed up!!! Even with the box unchecked for “ACFML Synchronize translations”.
    For me it’s clearly a bug that has been around for long time.

    I need to have EN page and all it’s translations totally independent related to the ACF repeater.

    How can we fix it definitively?

    Thank you.

    • Hello there,
      This issue is still open, could you try the workaround in the meantime? If this doesn’t help, please start a chat in our assistance channel.
      We will keep this errata updated if we have any news.

  2. Hi,

    We also have exactly the same issue.

    I have read multiple threads about this, but this is clearly an issue that must be solved.

    Best regards

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