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Collaboration and User Management plugins optimize your workflow by allowing you to track and manage multiple users, tasks, and projects within your WordPress dashboard. Learn more about our recommended plugins for this category in the table below and compare their features. For a more in-depth comparison, visit our Best Collaboration & User Management Plugins guide to learn about our recommended solutions.

WP Project ManagerMulticollabAtarimSureFeedback
WP Project ManagerMulticollabAtarimSureFeedback

WP Project Manager is a WordPress project and task management tool facilitating back- and front-end collaboration. Features include comments, messaging, task assignment, file sharing, to-do lists, milestones, calendars, Gantt charts, Kanban boards, time tracking, automatic invoicing, and advanced reporting.

Multicollab streamlines editorial feedback and collaboration within the WordPress platform, reducing the need for external apps. Features include inline comments, team and guest collaboration, tracking, real-time notifications, and suggestion mode.

Atarim is a WordPress visual collaboration tool that streamlines website collaboration through the front- and back-end. It offers various features including role-based access controls, task management, comments tracking, file uploads and automated screenshots, group notifications and inbox, forms creation, and automated reports.


SureFeedback is a web design and development collaboration tool. It allows real-time feedback, tracks changes, and records feedback for easy reference. Other features include project dashboards, task and user management, compatibility with popular design tools and web development frameworks, customizable branding, and bug reporting/tracking.


Pricing model
Plugin price$0-$249/year$0-$499/year$0 - $50/month$99-$499/year
Date testedيونيو 20, 2024أكتوبر 10, 2024يونيو 20, 2024ديسمبر 28, 2024
Task and Project Management
User Permissions and Access Control
Notifications system
File Sharing and Document Management
Customization and Extensibility
Visual Project Management
Reporting and Analytics
Multisite support
Front-end collaboration
Unlimited users and tasks
More about WP Project ManagerMore about MulticollabMore about AtarimMore about SureFeedback

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