Overview of the issue
Even though Gutenberg Reusable Blocks can be translated with WPML, the translations are not shown on pages that include the Reusable Blocks.
This happens because a missing filter that needs to be added by the WordPress team.
Please note that this feature probably won't be included in the WordPress 5.0 release.
I am using repeatable blocks and some repeatable blocks show up after the translation and some are not, this sucks. Is there a fix for that problem?
This issue was already fixed a long time ago. If you have any other issue with repeatable blocks please report directly in our support forum so we can help you resolve –
So how come, that one repeatable block is shown and another isn't? Doesn't sound fixed to me
I have tested and it works for me. There must be something I am missing. Can you please report that in our support forum and share with me the link of the support ticket if needed here?
I've added a new reusable block and it worked there. Don't know the exact reasons why it sometimes works and sometimes not. Will keep you informed, when it happens again and if I can reproduce the problem. Thanks
Thanks for the heads up, I am glad it works now.