דלג על ניווט

Today, we released a beta version of WPML 4.5.9. If you’ve been experiencing issues when translating with the Advanced Translation Editor, we suggest that you update to this beta version on a test or development site.

Thanks to your helpful feedback, we have identified several issues regarding the Advanced Translation Editor. In an effort to address these problems for affected clients as soon as possible, we have now made these fixes available in a beta version. If all goes smoothly and we don’t uncover any other issues, the full production version is planned to be released in early September.

What’s Included in This Release

The following issues have been addressed in this latest beta release:

  • Translations get stuck and the troubleshooting logs state, “Started attempt to download XLIFF file. The process did not finish,” and, “The uploaded XLIFF file doesn't belong to this system.”
  • New translation jobs are created whenever you open a completed translation job in the Advanced Translation Editor
  • Translation jobs open in the WordPress native editor when they should open in the Advanced Translation Editor
  • Translation jobs are created with invalid job ID
  • Translation jobs are stuck in Pending Review status
  • When using Translate Everything with a lot of attachments, the Translation Management Dashboard gets stuck on Calculating…
  • You get an error message, WPML didn't manage to translate, when the user doesn't have a valid username and email in their profile (however, we are still working on a similar issue when the user is a site admin)
  • After site migration or changing the site URL, the site action notice doesn’t appear.

See our full changelog for all the bug fixes included in this release.

If you experience any of these issues, please try updating to this beta version, and let us know if your issue is resolved.

How to Update to a WPML Beta Version

We recommend only installing beta versions on a test or development site, never on a live production site.

On your site, go to PluginsAdd New and click the Commercial tab. Choose the Beta updates channel. Click Switch to update your site to the latest available beta version.

Switching to the beta updates channel

Please see our FAQ for more information about switching install beta versions of WPML.

Let Us Know How it Goes

If you’ve been experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, please try the beta. Let us know in the comments if you continue to experience any issues with the Advanced Translation Editor.

How can we make WPML better for you?

Share your thoughts and comments about our plugin, documentation, or videos by booking a Zoom call with Agnes, our Client Advocate. Your feedback matters and helps us improve.

Book a call with Agnes