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Contact developer Looking for a quick reply?
Type of work:

Add new features, Help writing content, Integrate with an external system, SEO, Troubleshoot and fix problems, Update or fix an existing site, Visual design, 무언가를 개발하도록 도와주세요, 사이트의 기능 개발, 새 사이트 구축, 외부 시스템과 통합, 잠재적 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 컨설팅 제공

Project size:
  • Small Business
  • Agency/Enterprise

I can maintain sites

Site categories:

E-commerce, 교육, 디렉터리, 멤버십, 브로셔, 블로그

Favorite WordPress themes:

Custom Theme

Project budget:

Minimum budget is 2000 USD

Report a problem

Full-Stack PHP Developer

I’m a Web Developer since 2002 form Munich, Germany.

Programming experiences:

  • JavaScript
  • CSS / Sass
  • HTML
  • PHP

WordPress experiences:

  • ACF
  • WPML
  • Custom Theme / Plugin development
  • Database optimization

Contact me and I’ll help you with your project!

|                                                          |
|  ContexLabs              www.contexlabs.com              |
|  ─────── _____ ───────                                   |
|  ────── (     ) ──────   Patrick Schlesinger             |
|  ─────── |   | ───────   Web Applications Development    |
|  ─────── |   | ───────                                   |
|  ──────  | 0 |  ──────   ContexLabs WEB. SEO. APP.       |
|  ─────  ;     .  ─────   Telefon: 089 21 55 05 88 -0     |
|  ────  /  0 0    ─────   mail@contexlabs.com             |
|  ───  /           ────                                   |
|  ──  /  0 0 000    ───   Theresienhöhe 1 · 80339 München |
|  ─  / 0000000000    ──                                   |
|  ─ ( 000000000000  ) ─   USt-IdNr.: DE286406472          |
|  ─ `──────────────' ──                                   |
|                                                          |

WPML user since: 11월, 2012

Contractor since: 4월, 2018



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