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Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using the the Custom Permalinks plugin, you may experience unnecessary 301 redirects when accessing URLs with a trailing slash.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open the …/wp-content/plugins/custom-permalinks/includes/class-custom-permalinks-frontend.php file.
  • Replace:
    			// Append any query compenent.
    			$url .= strstr( $this->request_uri, '?' );
    			wp_safe_redirect( home_url() . '/' . $url, 301 );
    			exit( 0 );
  • With:
    			// Append any query compenent.
    			$url .= strstr( $this->request_uri, '?' );
    			$home_url = home_url();
    			if (substr($home_url, -1) == '/'){
    				wp_safe_redirect( $home_url . $url, 301 );
    			} else {
    				wp_safe_redirect( $home_url . '/' . $url, 301 );
    			exit( 0 );

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