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Reported for: WPML Multilingual CMS 4.6.13

Topic Tags: Compatibility

Overview of the issue

When using Elementor Pro’s Display Conditions feature to control widget visibility, the conditions do not apply correctly on translated pages. Specifically, tags or categories in the translated language do not trigger the display conditions as expected, causing elements that should be hidden to remain visible.


Please, make sure of having a full site backup of your site before proceeding.

  • Open your theme’s functions.php file.
  • Add the following snippet:
    * WPML Workaround for compsupp-7656
    add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/before_render', 'wpml_compsupp7656_filter_e_display_conditions_from_widget');
    function wpml_compsupp7656_filter_e_display_conditions_from_widget($element) {
        $settings = $element->get_settings();
        if (array_key_exists('e_display_conditions', $settings) && !empty($settings['e_display_conditions'])) {
            foreach ($settings['e_display_conditions'] as $key => $condition_json) {
                $condition = json_decode($condition_json, true);
                foreach ($condition as &$condition_group) {
                    foreach ($condition_group as &$single_condition) {    
                        if (isset($single_condition['condition']) && strpos($single_condition['condition'], 'in_') === 0) {
                            $taxonomy_key = substr($single_condition['condition'], 3); // Remove 'in_' prefix
                            if (isset($single_condition[$taxonomy_key])) {
                                foreach ($single_condition[$taxonomy_key] as &$term) {
                                    if (isset($term['id'])) {
                                        $term_obj = get_term($term['id']);
                                        if ($term_obj && !is_wp_error($term_obj)) {
                                            $term['id'] = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $term['id'], $term_obj->taxonomy, true);
                // Encode the modified condition back to JSON
                $settings['e_display_conditions'][$key] = json_encode($condition);
            // Update the element's settings with the modified conditions
            $element->set_settings('e_display_conditions', $settings['e_display_conditions']);

2 응답 에게 “Elementor Pro - Display Conditions Is Not Supported Yet”

  1. Same can be done for conditions depending on the current page by replacing the foreach loop with the following :

    foreach ($condition as &$condition_group) {
    foreach ($condition_group as &$single_condition) {
    if (isset($single_condition['condition']) && strpos($single_condition['condition'], 'in_') === 0) {
    $taxonomy_key = substr($single_condition['condition'], 3); // Remove 'in_' prefix
    if (isset($single_condition[$taxonomy_key])) {
    foreach ($single_condition[$taxonomy_key] as &$term) {
    if (isset($term['id'])) {
    $term_obj = get_term($term['id']);
    if ($term_obj && !is_wp_error($term_obj)) {
    $term['id'] = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $term['id'], $term_obj->taxonomy, true);
    } else if (isset($single_condition['condition']) && $single_condition['condition'] === 'page_title') {
    foreach ($single_condition['titles'] as &$title) {
    if (isset($title['id'])) {
    $page = get_post($title['id']);
    if ($page && !is_wp_error($page) && $page->post_type === 'page') {
    $title['id'] = apply_filters('wpml_object_id', $page->ID, 'page', true);
    $title['text'] = get_post($title['id'])->post_title;

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