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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: thomasB-47 2 дней, 2 часов назад.

При содействии: Dražen Duvnjak.

Автор Записи
19 сентября, 2024 на 11:19 дп #16198175


Background of the issue:
We synchronise all our WooCommerce content (products/categories) via API. After we do that, the taxonomy hierarchy is not correct and we need to click the button 'update taxonomy hierarchy' to straighten things out. We would like to know if we can call that functionality via API, so that we don't have to do it manually.

The taxonomy hierarchy is not correct after synchronising WooCommerce content via API.

Can we call the 'update taxonomy hierarchy' functionality via API?

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