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Эта тема содержит 0 ответов, имеет 1 голос.

Последнее обновление: cristianoP-13 3 дней, 1 час назад.

При содействии: Noman.

Автор Записи
1 октября, 2024 на 2:06 пп #16241040


Background of the issue:
I am trying to maintain the layout of translated pages on my site скрытая ссылка. I recently made some layout changes in an Elementor page, and the layout remains correct in the main language (English) but is out of order in all other languages.

Translated pages are not keeping the layout after changes made in Elementor.

Why are the translated pages not maintaining the layout after changes in Elementor?
How can I ensure that layout changes in Elementor are reflected correctly in all languages?

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