Released on:
- Enabled translation for labels of custom post types and custom taxonomies.
- Enabled translation for labels on Options Pages.
- Locked internal post types that store data for ACF custom objects as «Not translatable».
- Added display of translation settings and status for custom objects created with ACF during editing.
- Prepared translation jobs for grouping in the next Advanced Translation Editor (ATE) release.
- Provided meaningful descriptions for ACF entity labels in ATE.
- Added support to automatically convert target links in WYSIWYG fields.
- Improved performance on Options pages for sites with multiple field groups.
- Fixed admin notice regarding mixed translation modes on field groups assigned to native posts.
- Fixed the management of relational fields assigned to taxonomy terms and set to be copied to translations.
- Resolved a fatal error in admin notices when ACF is deactivated.
- Addressed an issue where ACFML, in combination with other plugins, could prevent content from displaying on the blog reader’s screen.
- Fixed the saving of multiple blocks with clone fields set to seamless display mode.
- Fixed a potential fatal error when the user modifies the PHP code to add Choice groups.
- Fixed a bug in reordering Repeater fields on translations and adding items in the middle.
- Fixed incorrect data type in the database when converting single ID fields.
- Resolved a PHP warning on the translated options page containing a Flexible field set to Copy.
- Fixed a rare error in ACF → Field Groups → Edit Field Group → Settings → Location Rules where the selected value for «Forms/Attachment» was lost.
- Fixed a rare issue in WPML → Settings → Custom Fields Translation where it attempted to locate a non-existent element in ACF.
- Added the missing translation support for the Repeater button label.
- Fixed the UI field locks not properly showing for sub-fields on Options page.
Download and Update
You can get this release directly to the WordPress admin or download and install manually. To receive automatic updates, you need to register WPML on your site. Then, visit the Plugins or Updates admin pages. To download manually, visit your account and go to Downloads. Follow the installation and upgrade instructions for complete details.
When you update WPML, be sure to update together all the components that you are using. Don’t use a mixture of new and older versions.
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