Background of the issue:
I am trying to change the image when the popup of the media translation is open. After selecting an image and saving, I would like to know that a new image was uploaded and trigger an event so I can upload it to an S3 bucket. I expected to see a trigger in the file "/wp-content/plugins/wpml-media-translation/classes/media-translation/class-wpml-media-save-translation.php" in the action `public function save_media_translation()` before the response like `do_action("wpml_save_media_translation_after", ['attachment_id' => $attachment_id]);` that would trigger right before the `wp_send_json_success( $response );`.
There is no way to know when a new image is uploaded so I can upload it to S3.
How can I trigger an event when a new image is uploaded during media translation?
Is there a way to know when a new image is uploaded to trigger an upload to S3?
主题 '[關閉] When translating media, there is now way to know when a new image is uploaded so we can upload it to…' 已关闭,不再接受新回复。